Cod Fritters (Pataniscas)

Cod Fritters (Pataniscas)

Cod Fritters are known to the Portuguese as Iscas and pataniscas, and yet in the Azores, you might hear “tortas”.  When I hear ” Iscas”, I think of my father’s pan-fried thinly sliced and marinated calves and pork livers.

Here, cod fritters are large flakes of pre-soaked salt cod (bacalhau) that are coated in a batter and quickly pan fried. Fried like little pancakes and served up as a starter or as part of a light lunch.  Often these are alongside a salad of perhaps black-eyed peas, rice and olives.

In Tras os Montes, (Beyond the Mountains) of the Portuguese mainland, in Vila Real, Maria Natal makes this version. She shreds  by the presoaked, poached codfish.  Her husband, Antonio Melo, originally from Marco Canveses (Porto), adds  chopped presunto (prosciutto) to the batter.

Many variations of this delectable petisco are made.  The number of these cod fritters depend on the size you make them.

Makes about 3 dozen


  • 1/4  cup water or white wine
  • 3  eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1/4  cup finely diced onion
  • 2  tablespoons finely chopped parsley
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • pinch of chili (optional)
  • sea salt to taste, if needed
  • 1 pound boneless, skinless salt cod, presoaked for 24 hours, changing water about 7 times
  • oil for frying

Make the batter:

  1. Beat the eggs with the water or wine
  2. Mix in the onion, parsley, flour and chili to taste. Season with salt, to taste, whisking until somewhat fluffy. Set aside.

Prepare the fish:

  1. Bring a pot of water to a boil.  Add the fish and reduce the heat to medium, so that the water is just simmering.  Simmer for 15 minutes.
  2. Remove the fish.  Let it cool for a few minutes. Remove any bones or skin and hand shred the fish into small pieces.
  3. Gently combine the fish with the batter, turning to coat the fish.
  4. Meanwhile, Heat enough of the oil in a skillet, about 1/2 inch- deep, until hot, but not smoking.  By tablespoons, drop a spoonful of cod fritters (pataniscas) batter into the hot oil. Use the back of the spoon and spread it out a little so that it looks like small pancakes.  Fry the Cod Fritters until golden and drain on paper towels. Serve hot or room temperature.



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