Stomping Grapes for Wine
Stomping Grapes for Wine is work, but nevertheless Dona Maria vineyard and some others continue the old method of stomping grapes for wine by foot trod rather than the modern mechanical means. The reason? There is a belief that foot trod…
Aromas of Cooking Up Portuguese
Aromas of cooking up Portuguese, at times, can be the subject of discussion. Quite often, when are discussing our Portuguese culture, it is said “you could always tell when you enter a Portuguese home.” So what does that mean?
Flavors of Portugal
The Flavors of Portugal have you intrigued. So, you have decided to make Portugal your destination vacation this year. Now, you are starting to wonder what exactly are the Flavors of Portugal and if you will like them. Portugal…
Recipe format
When reading my recipe format, don't let the number of steps in the recipes stop you from giving them a try. They may seem long and daunting, but I purposely break down the steps to make it easier to follow, especially for cooks new to Portuguese…
Did You Know?
Did you know? Did know you should wash those eggs just before cracking them? Preparing food is more than just chopping, measuring and cooking. In addition to other food safety rules, here are some safety rules regarding eggs to keep you…