Aromas of Cooking Up Portuguese

Aromas of Cooking Up Portuguese

Aromas of cooking up Portuguese, at times, can be the subject of discussion. Quite often, when are discussing our Portuguese culture, it is said “you could always tell when you enter a Portuguese home.”   So what does that mean? For…
Vinho or Vinha?
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Vinho or Vinha?

Vinho or Vinha is the question of the day. As you see the recipes, especially in marinades, you might think I made a mistake on the titles.  One might say it should be vinha, which I often hear from those of the Azores and not vinho. On the…
Sweet Red Pepper Paste

Sweet Red Pepper Paste

Sweet Red Pepper Paste,  (Massa de Pimentão), is a popular iconic flavoring ingredient of the Alentejo Region of Portugal. Ground salt-brined sweet red peppers are used to flavor most meats and poultry.  A distinctive flavor, this sweet red…
Tomato Jam

Tomato Jam

Tomato Jam is made best when the fall comes and you get very ripe flavorful tomatoes. The fall harvest  always seems to come quickly and tons of tomatoes ripen, it seems, almost all at once.  The winemaking, tomato jam making, fig jam making…