Recipe format

When reading my recipe format, don’t let the number of steps in the recipes stop you from giving them a try.  They may seem long and daunting, but I purposely break down the steps to make it easier to follow, especially for cooks new to Portuguese cuisine.  The steps are numbered so you won’t lose your place.

As always, read through my recipe format to first to see what is involved so that there won’t be any surprises. My suggestion is to follow a recipe format as instructed, change amounts of ingredients to your liking. Prep ingredients ahead as needed.

Before cooking, line up your ingredients in the order of use.  Cooking will be less stressful that way and will execute more smoothly. Cooking can be fun and stress free when you are prepped and ready. When you are prepped you won’t need to stop in the middle of preparing a dish because you forgot to chop or cook an ingredient ahead of time.

If you have any questions regarding any recipe, please email me at,
